The Baker County Cultural Coalition is a committee appointed by the Baker County Commission. It serves the goals of the Oregon Cultural Trust, a state government organization. A primary purpose of the coalition is to allocate funds received annually from the Cultural Trust to benefit the goals of the Baker County Cultural Plan. The Baker County Cultural Coalition meets at least twice per year, and more frequently as needed.
The Oregon Cultural Trust was formed by the Oregon State Legislature in 2001 to support, develop, and invest in arts, humanities, and heritage throughout Oregon, especially at the grassroots level. The Trust is funded by the State of Oregon, corporate sponsors, tax deductible private donations, and sale of special license plates. Each year the Oregon Cultural Trust allocates funds to 45 county and tribal coalitions to be redistributed locally.
You can learn more about the Oregon Cultural Trust, and the tax deductible donation program by visiting their site:
The Baker County Cultural Coalition has been funding local projects, events, and programs since 2004. The Baker County Cultural Plan was last updated in 2012, and sets priorities for funding. Overall goal is to support and build a strong cultural presence and identity for our local communities. Currently a program of mini-grants averaging up to $500 is used to help individuals and organizations with projects that meet the criteria of the cultural plan. In 2023, there is also an Access Grant Program funded by Oregon Community Foundation to help overcome barriers that might prevent participation in local cultural activities and events.
Click here for more information about grants.
In 2023, the coalition includes:
The Baker County Cultural Coalition's Cultural Plan (newly adopted in September of 2012)
Priority 1: Encourage the development and improvement of public spaces for performance and cultural activities.
Priority 2: Improve communication and coordination of cultural activities.
Priority 3: Provide support for groups related to fine arts, performing arts, humanities and local heritage.
Priority 4: Provide support for the development of individuals in arts, humanities, heritage awareness and skills.
Currently there are two types of grants available:
-BCCC mini-grants for projects, events and activities related to arts, humanities, heritage and local culture.
In recent years this has included concerts, plays, books, lectures, exhibits and art shows, public art, art-music-dance-writing programs and classes for youth and adults, cultural tour maps and brochures, festivals and public performances, celebrations based on history or ethnic traditions or community anniversaries, library programs, historic preservation or restoration, interpretive signs for heritage sites. There are many possibilities that will fall into the parameters of the Cultural Plan. An important factor is that all projects must be available to the general public.
-Access Grants for projects that help all audiences participate in cultural offerings in Baker County - this might include addressing language and translations, financial aid and free admission, hearing assistance, modifications to remove physical barriers, transportation, etc.
There are two grant cycles. Grant applications must be submitted by May 15th and December 15th.
-Individuals, groups, and organizations are eligible to apply for funds through the Coalition. It does not require official "non-profit" status. -Proposals need to fall within the goals and priorities for art, humanities, and heritage identified in the Baker County Cultural Plan. -The Coalition typically funds up to $500.00 per project, but may grant higher amounts for projects that suit priority strategies of the Baker County Cultural Plan. -The Coalition will not provide continuation or additional funding to the same project in the same calendar year.
Step one: Download a grant application, instructions and worksheet:
Step two: Complete information on the form explaining how your project meets these criteria: 1. Organization or individual must be based in Baker County. 2. Project should fulfill one or more of these priorities: a. Improve cultural resources, both public and private, in Baker County. b. Preserve a cultural resource or site in Baker County. c. Enhance cultural opportunity and understanding for citizens of Baker County. d. Provide opportunities for new forms and expressions of art in Baker County. 3. Grants will be awarded on the basis of community need and positive impact on the Baker County Cultural Plan. Include information and estimate of who and how many will benefit from your project. 4. If you have any questions or want to discuss if your project meets criteria, or would like a review of your application before submitting, please contact the Board Chair or any board member for advice. Step three: after filling out your application, including complete budget information, submit by e-mail to:, or you can e-mail or hand deliver to any board member. There are two grant cycles. Grant applications must be submitted by May 15th and December 15th. Applications delivered or postmarked after the deadline will not be considered until the next grant cycle. Granted funds will be available 30 days after the Coalition meets to award funds.
No organization or individual will receive more than one Baker County Cultural Coalition grant in any one calendar year.
Grant funds must be expended within one year of the award. If your project is delayed, please notify the Board Chair as soon as possible to arrange an extension.
Recipients are required to file a grant report following the completion of their project. A report form is included at the bottom of the application.
Traditional BCCC Grant Report(Word Version) Traditional BCCC Grant Report(PDF Version)