In the EFU zone the following uses and their accessory uses are permitted.
A. Farm uses as defined in ORS 215.203(2), except a use specified in Subsection 301.02(c) of this Section.
B. Propagation or harvesting of a forest product (ORS 215.203(2)(b) and ORS 215.283(1)(c).
C. Local distribution utility facilities as defined in Section 108(B) of this Ordinance. [Ref. ORS 215.283(1)(d)(1993); OAR 660-33-120(1994)]
D. Dwelling and other buildings customarily provided in conjunction with farm use (ORS 215.283(1)(e) and (f)). Farm related dwellings shall be subject to the provisions of Article 4, Section 413. Placement of these dwellings shall be in conformance with state laws and rules. [Ref. ORS 215.283(1)(e)(1993)]
E. Operations conducted for the exploration of geothermal resources as defined in ORS 522.005. [Ref. 215.283(1)(g)(1993); OAR 660-33-120(1994)]
F. A site for the disposal of solid waste that has been ordered to be established by the Environmental Quality Commission under ORS 459.049, together with equipment, facilities or buildings necessary for its operation. [Ref. ORS 215.283(1)(i), OAR 660-33-120(1994)]
G. Climbing and passing lanes within the right-of-way existing as of July 1, 1987. [Ref. 215.283(1)(k)(1993); OAR 660-33-120(1994)]
H. Reconstruction or modification of public roads and highways, not including the addition of travel lanes, where no removal or displacement of buildings would occur, or no new land parcels result. [Ref. 215.283(1)(L)(1993); OAR 660-33-120(1994)]
I. Temporary public road and highway detours that will be abandoned and restored to original condition or use at such time as no longer needed. [Ref. ORS 215.283(1)(m)(1993); OAR 660-33-120(1994)]
J. Minor betterment of existing public roads and highway related facilities such as maintenance yards, weigh stations and rest areas, within the right-of-way existing as of July 1, 1987, and contiguous to publicly-owned property utilized to support the operation and maintenance of public roads and highways. [Ref. ORS 215.283(1)(n)(1993); OAR 660-33-120(1994)]
K. A replacement dwelling to be used in conjunction with farm use if the existing dwelling has been listed in a County inventory as historic property as defined in ORS 358.480. [Ref. ORS 215.283(1)(o)(1993); OAR 660-33-120(1994)]
L. The breeding, boarding and training of horses for profit. [Ref. ORS 215.203(2)(1993); OAR 660-33-120(1994)]
M. Creation of, restoration of or enhancement of wetlands. [Ref. ORS 215.283(1)(q)(1993); OAR 660-33-120(1994)]
N. Dwellings in conformance with the lot of record provisions pursuant to ORS 215.705 and OAR 660-33-130(3)(a).
O. Dwellings on real property used for farm use if the dwelling is located on the same parcel as the dwelling of the farm operator and is occupied by a relative of the farm operator or the farm operator's spouse, whose assistance in the management of the farm use is or will be required by the farm operator. "Relative" is defined in Section 108(B) of this ordinance.[Ref. ORS 315.283(1)(e)(1993)]
P. Alteration, restoration or replacement of a lawfully established dwelling pursuant to ORS 215.283(1)(t).
Q. Accessory farm dwellings in conformance with ORS 215.283(1)(f)(1993) and OAR 660-33-130(24).
R. Temporary mobile home placements [ORS 215.283(2)(k)(1993)