In the Timber Grazing zone the following minimum parcel sizes shall be required.
A. For commercial forest/farm use pursuant to Section 302.01(A) and (G) and 302.02(E):80 acres.
B. For non-forest/farm residential use pursuant to Section 302.04: 5 acres; except it shall be 40 acres in an area mapped as an elk winter habitat, antelope habitat or deer winter habitat. The Planning Commission may approve a division of land for a dwelling not provided in conjunction with farm/forest use if the dwelling has been approved in accordance with Section 301.06 and 302.04 of this Ordinance.
C. The minimum parcel size may be waived to allow a division of forest land involving a dwelling existing prior to January 25, 1990 (the date that LCDC adopted major amendments to Goal 4) provided that:
1) The new parcel containing the dwelling is no larger than 5 acres.
2) The remaining forest parcel, not containing the dwelling, meets the minimum land division standards of this zone or is consolidated with another parcel which together meet the minimum land division standards of this zone.
D. Uses described in Subsection 302.02 and related partitions shall be subject to a public hearing, the parcel shall be larger the minimum size necessary for the use and shall also be subject to the provisions of Subsection 302.05.
**This ordinance was adopted to conform with Goal 4 Forest Rules adopted by the Land Conservation and Development Commission. 1/6/93. Ord. 92-07.