A use authorized by Subsection 302.02 may be allowed, subject to the approval of the Baker County Planning Commission, provided the following requirements or their equivalent are met. These requirements are designed to make the use compatible with forest and agricultural operations and to conserve values found on forest lands.
A. A finding that the proposed use will not force a significant change in, alter the stability of, or significantly increase the cost of, accepted farming or forest practices on agriculture or forest lands.
B. A finding that the proposed use will not significantly increase fire hazard or significantly increase fire suppression costs or significantly increase risks to fire suppression personnel.
C. A finding that the proposed use will not adversely affect important wildlife habitat pursuant to criteria contained within Article 6 of this Ordinance.
D. A finding that the use is compatible with other forest uses in the nearby area, including:
1) Maintenance of grazing land for livestock.
2) Watershed protection.
3) Soil protection from wind and water.
4) Maintenance of outdoor recreational activities and related support services.
5) Maintenance of values compatible with forest uses.
6) Open space, buffers from noise, visual separation of conflicting uses.
E. A written statement recorded with the deed, or its equivalent is obtained from the landowner which recognizes the rights of forest operators to conduct forest operations consistent with the Forest Practices Act.
F. Planned access to interior tracts shall be required when dealing with road-front parcels.