In the Timber Grazing zone, the following uses and their accessory uses may be permitted when authorized in accordance with the requirements of Subsection 302.06 and Article 6 of the Baker County Zoning Ordinance.
A. Feeding stations and wildlife management areas subject to the provisions of Section 603(F).
B. Water impoundments in conjunction with beneficial uses of water customarily associated with fire prevention, farm or forest uses, or as a source of water for domestic or municipal use, provided that necessary state and federal permits have been issued.
C. Operations conducted for mining and processing minerals, aggregate and geothermal resources, gas oil and other associated hydrocarbons, except those allowed outright. Exploration that requires a permit from the Department of Geology and Mineral Industries is included in this category. (See, Mineral Extraction zone when dealing with patented mining claims.)
D. Parks and campgrounds. For the purpose of Section 302.02(d), a campground is an area devoted to overnight temporary use for vacation, recreational or emergency purposes, but not for residential purposes. A camping site may be occupied by a tent, travel trailer or recreational vehicle. Campgrounds authorized under this section shall not include intensively developed recreational uses such as swimming pools, tennis courts, retail stores or gas stations. The precise duration of allowed stay will be decided by the Planning Commission at the time of permitting.
E. Home occupations subject to the provisions of Section 603(c).
F. Personal use airports; heliports, unless the heliport is in conjunction with commercial forest use. A personal use airport as used in this section means an airstrip restricted to use by the owner as defined in ORS 215.283(2)(g).
G. Livestock feedlot, sales yard, hog farm or dairy herd confinement at any time of the year, or other concentration of livestock during May through September within one half-mile of a residential zone.
H. Fire stations for rural fire protection.
I. Private seasonal accommodations for fishing and fee hunting operations, subject to the following requirements:
1) Accommodations are limited to no more than fifteen (15) guest rooms as defined in the Oregon structural Specialty Code.
2) Only minor incidental and accessory retail sales are permitted.
3) Accommodations are occupied temporarily for the purpose of fishing and hunting during the hunting and fishing seasons authorized by the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife.
4) Compliance with siting standards of Subsection 302.07.
5) The fire siting safety design standards for roads and driveways as defined in Subsection 302.08.
J. Temporary asphalt and concrete batch plants as accessory uses to specific highway projects. [ORS 215.283(2)(p-r)]
1) Construction of additional passing and travel lanes requiring the acquisition of right-of-way but not resulting in the creation of new land parcels.
2) Reconstruction or modification of public roads and highways involving the removal or displacement of buildings but not resulting in the creation of new land parcels.
3) Improvement of public roads and highway related facilities, such as maintenance yards, weigh stations and rest areas, where additional property or right-of-way are required but not resulting in the creation of new land parcels.
K. A site for the disposal of solid waste approved by the governing body of a city or county or both and for which a permit has been granted under ORS 459.245 by the Department of Environmental Quality together with equipment, facilities or buildings necessary for its operation. [ORS 215.283(2)(j) and OAR 660-06-025(4)(d)]