In the T-G zone, the following uses and their accessory buildings and uses are permitted.
A. Forest operations or forest practices including, but not limited to, reforestation of forest land, road construction and maintenance, harvesting of a forest tree species, application of chemicals, and disposal of slash.
B. Temporary onsite structures which are auxiliary to and used during the term of a particular forest operation.
C. Physical alterations to the land auxiliary to forest practices.
1) The term, "auxiliary" as used in Section 302.01 means a use or alteration of a structure or land which provides help or is directly associated with the conduct of a particular forest practice. An auxiliary structure is located on site, temporary in nature, and is not designed to remain for the forest's entire growth cycle from planting to harvesting. An auxiliary use is removed when a particular forest practice has concluded.
D. Uses to conserve soil, air and water quality and to provide for wildlife and fisheries resources;
E. The development and use of surface mining operations which are located on forest lands in the County, from which materials are to be used for forest access roads, or other supporting forest management activities, such as riprapping, bridge wing wall diversions and culvert bedding. The activities in this section shall be consistent with the State Forest Practices Act and OAR 629-24-111.
F. Exploration for mineral and aggregate resources. "Exploration" means all activities conducted on or beneath the surface of the earth for the purpose of determining presence, location, extent, grade, or economic viability of a deposit. See ORS 517 for further explanation.
G. Municipal watersheds.
H. Additional local distribution lines within existing rights-of-way (e.g., electric, telephone, natural gas, etc.) and accessory equipment (e.g., electric distribution transformers, meter cabinets, terminal boxes, pedestals), or which provide service hookups, including water service hookups.
I. Farm use, as defined in ORS 215.203(2), except livestock feedlots, sales yards, hog farms or dairy herd confinement at any time of the year, or other concentration of livestock during May through September, within one half-mile of a residential zone.
J. Temporary portable facility for the primary processing of forest products.
K. Private hunting and fishing operations without any lodging accommodations.
L. Towers and fire stations for forest fire protection.
M. Widening of roads within existing rights-of-way of public road and highway projects. [ORS 215.283(1)(k) through (n)]
1) Climbing and passing lanes within the right-of-way existing as of July 1, 1987.
2) Reconstruction or modification of public roads and highways, not including the addition of travel lanes, where no removal or displacement of buildings would occur, or no new land parcels result.
3) Temporary public road and highway detours that will be abandoned and restored to original condition or use at such time as no longer needed.
4) Minor betterment of existing public roads and highway related facilities such as maintenance yards, weigh stations and rest areas, within right-of way existing as of July 1, 1987, and contiguous public-owned property utilized to support the operation and maintenance of public roads and highways.
N. Exploration that does not require a permit from the Department of Geology and Mineral Industries (DOGAMI) for geothermal resources, gas, oil, and other associated hydrocarbons.
O. Caretaker residences for public parks and fish hatcheries.
P. Maintenance, repair or replacement of existing dwellings.
Q. Temporary Mobile Home (family hardship), subject to provisions of 302.05, 302.07 and Section 404.