In the EFU zone the following uses may be permitted when authorized in accordance with the requirements of Subsections 301.05 and 301.06 of this Section and Article 6 of this Ordinance.
A. Public or private schools, including all buildings essential to the operations of a school. [Ref. ORS 215.283(1)(a)(1993); OAR 660-33-120(1994)]
B. Churches, and cemeteries in conjunction with churches. [Ref. ORS 215.283(1)(b)(1993); OAR 660-33-120(1994)]
C. Livestock feedlot, sales yard, hog farm or dairy herd confinement at any time of the year, or other concentration of livestock during May through September, when such uses are located within one-half mile of a residential zone.
D. Major utility facilities as defined in Section 108(B) of this ordinance.
E. Commercial activities that are in conjunction with farm use. [ORS 215.283(2)(a)(1993)]
F. Operations conducted for the exploration, mining and processing of aggregate and other mineral resources or other subsurface resources subject to the restrictions and permits of the Department of Geology and Minerals Industry. See, Mineral Extraction Zone when dealing with patented mining claims. [Ref. ORS 215.283(1)(h), ORS 215.283(2)(b)(A)(1994)]
G. Private, semi-public and public parks, playgrounds, hunting and fishing preserves, campgrounds, and community centers. [Ref. ORS 215.283(2)(c) & (d)]
H. Personal-use airports for airplanes and helicopter pads including associated hangar, maintenance and service facilities. A personal-use airport as used in this Section means an airstrip restricted, except for aircraft emergencies, to use by the owner and, on an infrequent and occasional basis, by invited guest(s), and by commercial aviation activities in connection with agricultural operations. No aircraft may be used on a personal-use airport other than those owned or controlled by the owner of the airstrip.
Exceptions to the activities permitted under the definition may be granted through waiver action by the Oregon Aeronautics Division in specific instances. A personal-use airport lawfully existing as of September 13, 1975 shall continue to be permitted subject to any applicable regulations of the Aeronautics Division. [Ref. ORS 215.283(2)(g); OAR 660-33-120(1994)]
I. Home occupation carried on by the resident as an accessory use within a dwelling or other building customarily provided in conjunction with farm use. [Ref. ORS 215.283(2)(h)(1993)]
J. A facility for the primary processing of forest products provided it can be determined that such facility does not seriously interfere with accepted farming practices and is compatible with farm uses described in ORS 215.203(2). Such facility may be approved for a one-year period, which is renewable. These facilities are intended to be only portable or temporary in nature. The primary processing of a forest product as used in this section means the use of a portable chipper or stud mill or other similar method of initial treatment of a forest product in order to enable its shipment to market. Forest products as used in this section means timber grown on a parcel of land or contiguous land where the primary processing facility is located. [Ref. 215.283(2)(i)(1993); OAR 660-33-120(1994)]
K. Repealed.
L. Golf courses. [Ref. 215.283(2)(h)(1993); OAR 660-33-120(1994)]
M. Repealed (Ord. 94-11)
N. Single family residential dwellings not provided in conjunction with farm use pursuant to ORS 215.284(2).
O. Feeding station, wildlife management area.
P. Kennels. [Ref. ORS 215.283(2)(m)(1993); OAR 660-33-120(1994)]
Q. Residential homes for handicapped persons, as defined in ORS 443.400(6), in existing dwellings. [Ref. ORS 215.283(2)(n)(1993)]
R. The propagation, cultivation, maintenance and harvesting of aquatic species. [Ref. ORS 215.283(2)(o)(1993)]
S. Construction of additional passing and travel lanes requiring the acquisition of right-of-way but not resulting in the creation of new land parcels. [Ref. ORS 215.283(2)(p)(1993); OAR 660-33-120(1994)]
T. Reconstruction or modification of public roads and highways involving the removal or displacement of buildings but not resulting in the creation of new land parcels. [Ref. ORS 215.283(2)(q)(1993); OAR 660-33-120(1994)]
U. Improvements of public roads and highway related facilities, such as maintenance yards, weight stations and rest areas, where additional property or right-of-way is required but not resulting in the creation of new land parcels. [Ref. ORS 215.283(2)(r)(1993); OAR 660-33-120(1994)]
V. A destination resort which is approved consistent with the requirements of any statewide planning goal relating to the siting of a destination resort. [Ref. ORS 214.283(2)(s)(1994); OAR 660-33-120(1994)]
W. Guest Ranch in conjunction with an existing commercial cattle, sheep, horse, or bison operation that complies with ORS 215.203, and the requirements under Section 603.09(B) of this Ordinance. For purposes of subsection 301.02(W), guest shall mean a person who purchases an activity package which includes ranch and recreational activities and which may include meals, as provided for in subsections 603.09(D) and (E).